Our Leagues (Ayr Minor Softball Association)

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League Information

Click below for more information about each age group. Note that days and times may change based on interest.

Our Learn to Play program focuses on teaching the basic softball skills to young players in a fun environment. Each week players participate in drills for the first 30 minutes and then play T-ball for the remaining 30 minutes. The last 3 weeks of the season will be full T-ball games. This league is open to children turning 4 in the current year (January to December).

Teams will be limited to 6-8 players to minimize idle time for the young players. Teams will require 2 coaches and all parents are encouraged to get involved and help out. Grandparents or older siblings are more than welcome to get involved too.

Learn to Play will be split into two groups playing one day a week, either on Mondays or on Wednesdays from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in Ayr. The season runs from early May to the end of July.

Equipment Requirements: running shoes, approved baseball/softball batting helmet (face cage NOT required), glove. Helmets are required to be worn when batting or during batting drills. Team shirts will be provided.

Our Trimite program consists of 30 minutes of drills and a 30 minute modified softball game where the coaches pitch to their players (view rules here). Coaches instruct the players while they are batting and fielding in order to aid their skill development. Additional game modifications are be made to keep the players engaged (i.e. players receive 3 pitches then a tee is used).

Teams will be limited to 6-8 players to minimize idle time for the young players. Teams will require 2 coaches and several parent helpers. Grandparents or older siblings are more than welcome to get involved too.

Trimite plays on Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Victoria Park in Ayr. Practices are on Saturday mornings 9:00-10:15 am at Victoria Park's small diamond. The season runs from early May to the end of July.

Equipment Requirements: long pants (highly recommended), running shoes, approved baseball/softball batting helmet (face cage NOT required), glove Helmets are required when batting and may be worn for safety while fielding at the discretion of the parent. Team shirts will be provided.

U9 teams will play games on Tuesdays and/or Saturdays from early May to the end of July in the South Oxford league. The South Oxford league consists of teams from Ayr and other surrounding areas within a 60-minute drive. Practices will be held once a week, days/times will be determined by the coach at the beginning of the season. Team availability based on adequate registration numbers and a parent willing to volunteer as the coach.

Equipment Requirements: long pants (required), running shoes or baseball cleats (cleats not required), approved baseball/softball batting helmet with cage, glove. For rep teams, ball pants are grey. Helmets with cages are required when batting. Team shirts and hats will be provided.

U11 Boys teams will play games on Wednesday and Saturdays from early May to the end of July in the South Oxford league. The South Oxford league consists of teams from Ayr and other surrounding areas within a 60-minute drive. Practices will be held once a week, days/times will be determined by the coach at the beginning of the season.

U11 Girls teams will play games on Tuesday and Saturdays from early May to the end of July in the South Oxford league. The South Oxford league consists of teams from Ayr and other surrounding areas within a 60-minute drive. Practices will be held once a week, days/times will be determined by the coach at the beginning of the season. Team availability based on adequate registration numbers and a parent willing to volunteer as the coach. If an insufficient number of girls register, players will be assigned to co-ed teams and play in the boys league.

The U11 Rep team will play with the North Waterloo Softball League. Generally, one home game and one away game will be played each week. The league consists of teams from Fullarton, Milverton, Sebringville, Tavistock, Twin Center, Shakespeare and Wilmot and may be expanded to include other nearby centres within 90-120 minutes drive. Practices will be held once a week, days/times will be determined by the coach at the beginning of the season. Extra charge for tournament fee per team. Players trying out for the rep team but are not selected will play in the U11 South Oxford League team and a refund for the rep fees will be provided. Team availability based on adequate registration numbers and a parent willing to volunteer as the coach.

Equipment Requirements: long pants (required), running shoes or baseball cleats (cleats not required), approved baseball/softball batting helmet with cage, glove. For rep teams, ball pants are grey. Helmets with cages are required when batting. Team shirts and hats will be provided.

U13 Boys teams will play games on Mondays and Thursdays from early May to the end of July in the South Oxford league. The South Oxford league consists of teams from Ayr and other surrounding areas within a 60-minute drive. Practices will be held once a week, days/times will be determined by the coach at the beginning of the season.Team availability based on adequate registration numbers and a parent willing to volunteer as the coach.

U13 Girls teams will play games on Mondays and Thursdays from early May to the end of July in the South Oxford league. The South Oxford league consists of teams from Ayr and other surrounding areas within a 60-minute drive. Practices will be held once a week, days/times will be determined by the coach at the beginning of the season. Team availability based on adequate registration numbers and a parent willing to volunteer as the coach. If an insufficient number of girls register, players will be assigned to co-ed teams and play in the boys league.

The U13 Rep team will play with the North Waterloo Softball League. Generally, one home game and one away game will be played each week. The league consists of teams from Tara, Wiarton, Elmira, Tavistock, Twin Center and Wilmot and may be expanded to include other nearby centres within 90-120 minutes drive. Practices will be held once a week, days/times will be determined by the coach at the beginning of the season. Extra charge for tournament fee per team. Players trying out for the rep team but are not selected will play in the U13 South Oxford League team and a refund for the rep fees will be provided. Team availability based on adequate registration numbers and a parent willing to volunteer as the coach.

Equipment Requirements: long pants (required), baseball cleats are recommended but not required (no metal cleats), approved baseball/softball batting helmet with cage, glove. For rep teams, ball pants are grey. Helmets with cages are required when batting. Team shirts and hats will be provided.

The U15 Boys teams will play games on various nights from early May to the end of July in the South Oxford league. Typically, Monday nights the team will play in Ayr. The South Oxford league consists of teams from Ayr and other surrounding areas within a 60-minute drive. Practices will be held once a week, days/times will be determined by the coach at the beginning of the season. Team availability based on adequate registration numbers and a parent willing to volunteer as the coach.

U15 Girls teams will play games on various days from early May to the end of July in the South Oxford league. The South Oxford league consists of teams from Ayr and other surrounding areas within a 60-minute drive. Practices will be held once a week, days/times will be determined by the coach at the beginning of the season. Team availability based on adequate registration numbers and a parent willing to volunteer as the coach. If an insufficient number of girls register, players may be assigned to co-ed teams and play in the boys league.

Equipment Requirements: long pants (required), baseball cleats (no metal cleats), approved baseball/softball batting helmet with cage, glove. For rep teams, ball pants are grey for the boys and black for the girls. Helmets with cages are required when batting. Team shirts and hats will be provided.